How To Get Your Concealed Carry Permit Online

If you want to attain your concealed convey permit or license, you may have to prove competence with a handgun and/or take a firearms safety or training course.

Specific requirements will depend on your state, but the majority of states require that you take a class of any kind. This could be anything from 15 or more hour classroom and range training course to a couple of hours learning your state’s laws.

virginia firearmtraining institute

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding a Concealed Carry Class

If you’ve enrolled in a concealed carry class, you share one attribute with every other participant who has ever enrolled in the course: You desire to keep your weapon on your person. It’s fine if you enter the class knowing only this truism. Still, it would be helpful to know a little bit more about the privilege you are about to earn.

virginia fire arm training

Concealed Carry Online Training Course

In order to obtain a concealed carry license, you may have to prove competence with a handgun and/or take a firearms safety or training course. Specific requirements will depend on your state, but the majority of states require that you take a class. This could be anything from 15 or more hour’s classroom and range training course to a couple of hours learning your state’s laws.

concealed weapons permit online class

Concealed Carry Guidelines for Residents and Non-Residents

Concealed carry of firearms, but the restrictions are many and the penalties for violating them can be severe. Let’s start with non-residents’ ability to carry concealed in Illinois.

First, nobody can carry concealed in Illinois without a permit. Your home-state CCW permit does NOT allow you any carry rights in Illinois.


Concealed Carry for NON-Residents

The Illinois concealed carry did not acknowledge the hid carry permit of different states. So how can someone who is frequently visiting Illinois, for work or personal reasons, exercise their 2nd Amendment rights?

Although the small-arm hid Carry Act supposed to issue licenses to non-residents, the way the law is interpreted, only residents of Hawaii, 


Concealed Carry – Online Firearms Safety Class

Do you have a question about concealed carry weapons permits, training requirements or reciprocity? Well, you’ve come to the right place! We strive to keep its students informed and educated on all aspects of CCW.

What is meant by concealed carry permit?

Properly the concealed carry permit is the exercise of handling a handgun or other weapon in public in a concealed manner,

Galco Gunleather Shoulder Holster

Top 10 Concealed Carry Holsters

1 – Concealment Sepra Holster

This unique holster design allows you to forget old-fashioned thumb breaks that slow your draw and complicate reholstering. The patented SERPA Technology lock engages the trigger guard as you holster the pistol and won’t let go until you release it.

The SERPA helped establish Blackhawk’s reputation as a premier provider of tactical equipment to military,

The wall drill

5 Shooting Drills for Concealed Carry

First Drill:The wall Drill

One of the great dry fire drills is the most basic the Wall Drill. This drill was invented by George Harris, a former Sig Academy instructor. According to the man himself on US Concealed Carry, he came up it with while in the military. He called it the Wall Drill when he taught it to his students and the name stuck.